Did you have an accident? These are the legal actions you can take
Did you have an accident? These are the legal actions you can take
Did you have an accident? These are the legal actions you can take

Did you have an accident? These are the legal actions you can take

At any time in our lives, we can be victims of an accident: at work, while driving, as a pedestrian or passenger, riding our bicycle, and even when shopping in a mall. For these reasons, it is the responsibility of every citizen to know the legal actions that can be taken in these cases, especially if they suffer personal injuries. Personal injuries can have a strong impact on a person's quality of life and sometimes have devastating consequences for the well-being and future of the family. In this sense, it is important to know the legal actions that can be taken depending on the type of accident. The most significant are the following:

  • Workers' Compensation Insurance in the event of a workplace injury or accident.

California law ensures that workers receive monetary compensation from the employer to cover expenses for medical care and treatment, benefits for lost wages due to temporary disability, compensation for permanent disability or job retraining, and compensation to family members for the worker's death. For this type of case, an attorney specializing in workers' compensation law is required.

  • Civil lawsuit if a negligent driver injures you.

In this case, the law gives you the right to recover the economic damages caused by a negligent driver by filing a claim or a lawsuit so that you can receive benefits that allow you to face bills for medical services expenses, loss of wages for temporary and/or permanent disability or death. It should be noted that when filing a claim or lawsuit before a person or employer to obtain financial benefits for causing personal injury, the way in which the accident occurred and those involved must be taken into account. It may happen that an injured worker does not receive help or that disputes arise to prove liability or negligence. Under these circumstances, the timely guidance of a lawyer is vital to carry out a complete evaluation of your case and offer you the recommendation that best suits your needs and the characteristics of the case. Workers' compensation and personal injury are two different areas of the law. Our firm specializes in personal injury cases; call us if you need help.

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