Don't Become a Holiday Accident Stat This Holiday Season
Don't Become a Holiday Accident Stat This Holiday Season
Don't Become a Holiday Accident Stat This Holiday Season

Don't Become a Holiday Accident Stat This Holiday Season

Holiday season is upon us, which means millions of people will be traveling, shopping and decorating. While these activities can bring a great deal of joy and cheer, they can also result in accidents and injuries. Avoid becoming a holiday accident statistic this holiday season by recognizing the risks and taking steps to stay safe.

Most Common Holiday Accidents

Auto Accidents

Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's are three holidays that always mean more drivers on the road. During this holiday season, auto accident rates tend to spike. Over the Christmas holiday, an estimated 343 people die in traffic accidents. Over New Year's, an estimated 373 people die. The causes?

·         Drunk driving

·         Speeding

·         Distracted driving

·         Fatigued driving

Decorating Accidents

Holiday decorating can be disastrous if you are not careful. Each year, thousands of people are injured while decorating. Consider the following annual statistics:

·         5,800 injuries due to falling while hanging decorations.

·         13,000 emergency room visits due to holiday decorating.

·         50% of Christmas tree fires are due to faulty decorations.

·         2,000 people suffer sprains and lacerations after tripping on extension cords.


There are several ways that burn injuries occur during the holiday season. It is estimated that:

·         100,000 people are treated each year for scalding injuries.

·         1,062 injuries are caused by space heaters.

·         Turkey fryers reach up to 350-degrees, which can cause 3rd degree burns.  

·         Candle-related fires are responsible for 13% of all holiday home fires.

Foodborne Illness

For most families, the holidays are a time for sharing great food. Unfortunately, the holidays result in a spike in foodborne illnesses. In fact:

·         One in six Americans will suffer foodborne illness during the holidays.

·         Thawing turkey on the counter or in an uncontrolled environment can cause food poisoning.

Keep you and your family safe this holiday season by taking care to follow instructions and obey traffic rules. Remember that safety really does come first, even when spreading holiday cheer.

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