How to Drive and How Not to Drive in Heavy Rain
How to Drive and How Not to Drive in Heavy Rain
How to Drive and How Not to Drive in Heavy Rain

How to Drive and How Not to Drive in Heavy Rain

At the Law Offices of Andrew Zeytuntsyan, we help clients overcome their legal hurdles following injuries and accidents. Rainy days can be calming and beautiful, but they can also pose a considerable challenge when you are behind the wheel. With the roads being slick and visibility reduced, driving in wet weather demands a different set of skills to keep you and everyone around you safe. Thankfully, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide that will help you navigate the slippery roads with confidence and ease. Buckle up as we dive into the essential do’s and don’ts of wet weather driving.

Staying Centered

Remaining in the middle lane can help you steer clear of potential hazards like puddles that can lead to hydroplaning. This lane often offers better drainage, helping you avoid unnecessary splashes and possible control loss. Focus on keeping your vehicle centered within your chosen lane to give yourself a greater margin of safety. Maintaining this discipline will allow you to react swiftly if a situation demands quick action.

Shine Bright, but Not Too Bright

In poor visibility conditions like a heavy downpour, headlights can be your best ally. Turn them on to increase your visibility to other drivers, but be careful not to overdo it. Avoid using high beams as they can reflect off the rain and reduce visibility even further. Stick to dipped headlights to strike the right balance between visibility and safety. The goal is to see and be seen without blinding other road users.

When to Pull Off the Road

Sometimes, the rain can come down so hard that it becomes nearly impossible to see anything through your windshield. When the wipers can no longer keep up, it's a sign to pull over. Find a safe and legal area to park your vehicle away from the flow of traffic. Once you are safely off the road, turn on your hazard lights to alert other drivers to your presence. Wait patiently for the rain to lighten up before you resume your journey. Your safety and the safety of others should always be your priority.

Steering Clear of Floodwaters

We've all seen adventurous spirits trying to ford small rivers or streams that emerge after heavy rains. It may look exciting, but it's a risky business. Just six inches of water can reach the bottom of most passenger cars, causing potential loss of control and stalling. It's often impossible to judge the depth of floodwaters accurately. A seemingly shallow stream could be hiding a deep portion that could engulf your vehicle.

Easy Does It

It might be tempting to maintain your usual speed when you’re in a hurry, but wet roads are not the place for speed. Driving fast increases the risk of hydroplaning, where your car loses contact with the road and glides on the water's surface. Reducing your speed gives you more control over your vehicle and extends your reaction time in case of sudden stops. The posted speed limits are designed for dry roads, not roads slick with rain.

Do You Need a Personal Injury Attorney After a Wet Weather Auto Accident?

Driving successfully on wet roads requires a calm demeanor, presence of mind, and above all, a respectful understanding of the ever-changing road conditions. If you’ve had an auto accident due to heavy rains or other bad weather, it’s important to hire a reputable personal injury lawyer who can help you receive compensation. Contact the Law Offices of Andrew Zeytuntsyan. Our team can answer any questions you have and can also schedule a consultation with an experienced personal injury attorney in your area.

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