Learn about the most important worker protection laws in California!
Learn about the most important worker protection laws in California!
Learn about the most important worker protection laws in California!

Learn about the most important worker protection laws in California! -

California workers have a set of laws that protect their employment rights. These laws contain rules and regulations issued by the federal, state, or local legislature that must be applied to most benefit the worker, as well as establish corrective measures and sanctions for employers who fail to comply with them. Among the most important laws are the following: Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 and California Fair Employment and Housing Act. Both laws prohibit employers, employment agencies, and labor organizations from discriminating in any way against workers or job applicants based on origin, age, color, disability, gender, sexual orientation, medical or genetic conditions, race, sex, religion, and military status. Sexual harassment, workplace harassment, and retaliation against employees who report these acts are also illegal under these laws. Federal Fair Labor Standards Act and California Labor Laws. These laws are related to wages and the number of working hours, including payment for overtime hours, rest breaks, and meals. They also cover substantial aspects of working conditions for domestic workers, public sector employees, undocumented immigrants, hourly workers, and outdoor workers. Worker's Compensation Law. This law provides medical benefits and compensation payments for workers who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses. It also includes benefits for family members in the event of the worker's death. Occupational Health and Safety Law. The purpose of this federal law is to establish a set of regulations that employers must comply with, aimed at guaranteeing the right of workers to be provided with a healthy, safe, and hazard-free workplace. Federal Family Medical Leave Law and California Family Law Law. They establish regulations requiring employers to provide their workers with up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for the birth and care of a newborn child, adoption, care of family members with serious health conditions (spouse, children, or parents), or severe health conditions of the worker.

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